October 27, 2012 · 8 min read

Movement in Still Life

Written by:  Matthew Perrin
Resident Ghost Writer

As all of us in the studio raise a collective cheer at the arrival of NASS, we offer an encore for the arrival of animator Allison Howle.  A fresh graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design, this is the native Michigander’s first official foray into the industry of animation.  And though she is currently interning with us, Allison’s abundant talent may well lead to a position of greater permanence here at a Ghost Productions.

Modeling Demo Reel 2012 – Allison Howle


Behold the creature creations of Allison Howle, the latest dreamer to join our studio.

Allison’s interest in illustration began as early as her memory.  While a junior in high school, she was blessed with a visual arts teacher who influenced her and seven others in the class to later attend arts-based colleges.  An admirer of beings real and imagined, Allison has always been drawn to the unique creature creations afforded by 3D digital modeling.  With an affinity for fantasy and a penchant for caricature, Allison has produced creatures fanciful and fearsome alike.  Her fascination with horses led her study equine anatomy, pathology, and treatment.  In turn, this background piqued her interest in medical animation and later our studio.  Though a visual artist by trade, she takes a synesthetic tack to her artwork, drawing the majority of her influences from music.  The resulting synergy of imagery and melody seems apparent in the lyrical forms of her creations, which radiate vitality and movement even whilst frozen in stillness.

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