May 21, 2012 · 11 min read

GhoPro Secrets of Immortality

Written by:  Matthew Perrin
Resident Ghost Writer

Although you probably wouldn’t know it from watching our animations, we at ghOst Productions are only human.  Working in such close proximity to the medical device and surgical industries, we are frequently confronted with many of life’s mortal mysteries.  But today, after years of R & D, the staff at ghOst Productions can proudly state that we have discovered the keys to eternal life and unending inspiration.  And although we could profit tremendously from selling these discoveries, we would rather share them freely.  So without further ado, we reveal to you the two simple secrets of immortality: breeding and partying.  Here at ghOst, we excel at both.

May has been a momentous month for the team at ghOst.  Two birthdays and a baby collided to form an epic excuse for nearly nonstop celebration!  Behold the ghOPro remedies for aging and demotivation…

Generating offspring is a popular means of achieving a form of immortality.  Here, our Quality Manager Matt Tollefson holds his newborn son Oliver.

Another route to invigoration and revitalization of the spirit–one which is heavily trafficked at ghOst–is partying.  Every ghOstie works hard to produce unique content while meeting harrowing deadlines, so we tend to latch onto nearly any reason to celebrate.  Birthdays offer the most socially acceptable excuse, as the following pictures of festivities held for animator Brian Thompson and compositor Jason Craft demonstrate…

Photo courtesy of Bryan Politte (

Brian evidently believed that we were shooting a soda commercial.

Photo courtesy of Bryan Politte (

You’ve never quite experienced double chocolate cake until you’ve eaten it from a ping pong table while debating the flavor profiles of various boutique root beers.

Photo courtesy of Bryan Politte (

Sources tell us that this is the closest Craft has ever come to smiling.  Yes, it required treating the entire office to lunch at Granite City restaurant but it was totally worth it.  Our blog seems to be turning into the ghOPro celebration station, so be sure to check back for more uplifting updates!

Want to know more about what happens at ghOst Productions?  Visit our primary haunt (a.k.a. homepage).